Ruben Kruiper


Hi, I'm Ruben Kruiper

I am currently working at Clara Analytics as a senior NLP data scientist. Clara Analytics' mission is to empower insurance claims managers and improve the processing and outcomes dramatically for both insurance providers and claimants. This means I get to work on challenging problems, ranging from text-to-KG and Information Retrieval, over a variety of input types and domains.

I get excited about creative projects and technology that aim to make the world a better place. Feel free to get in touch, either through LinkedIn or my email [firstname][lastname]!

  • My academic research focused on developing Natural Language Processing applications to solve domain-specific problems, for more details see the projects listed below. My PhD focused on cross-domain information transfer between biology and engineering. During my postdoc I worked towards the semantic parsing of building regulations.
  • Named researcher on a 2yr grant to improve the accessibility of building regulations. I authored 5 peer-reviewed publications and published corresponding code. Topics included open-ended Information Extraction, Knowledge Graph generation and Information Retrieval.
  • Collaborated on long-term projects with domain-experts in biology, computer science, construction and more.
  • Designed and deployed machine learning models and rule-based algorithms to achieve practical tools. Adding value in small and specific domains, where LLMs underperform.


Intelligent Regulatory Compliance (I-ReC)
PhD on Computer-Aided Biomimetics
MsC project on Enhancing Digital Design Tools